Friday, September 02, 2011

Last 2 Days at CALC

I was happy to go back to CALC on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, to lend a hand to my replacement and help out a bit with registrations. It gave me a chance to share a few insights with the new VP regarding the way things work at the school and to share a few docs that she will need over the next few weeks. I had offered to come in for the entire week as I don't mind giving a little back. But I was really needed only for the two days. What a relief! As much as I enjoyed helping out, seeing some of the staff and students, and managing a bit of a visit with some colleagues, I went home exhausted at the end of the day. If I learned nothing else, the experience confirmed for me that my decision to retire had been the right decision, meaning both correct and best. I was so glad that I did not have to go in today or any day in the future. I slept in, watched CityLine and the Marilyn Denis Show while playing a lot of solitaire, and then went for a pedicure and got my hair cut. By the time I got home it was late afternoon. Just time to harvest the ripe tomatoes and tidy up the flower arrangements before going to get the seniors special at the fish and chips shop. Tonight, I kicked back in my recliner and watched movies on TV while I played another dozen hands or so of solitaire. Husband is busy in his office prepping his college classes for this fall. He starts on Tuesday. I don't. I almost felt retired today. Oh, wait. I forgot. I picked up some information on Tango lessons after my hair appointment. Yeah. I am retired.

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