Thursday, May 18, 2006

Job Search

For the last couple of days I have been working on a job application for a position that reads like it was created for me. So why is it so difficult for me to get that across in a cover letter? The problem is that the description of the responsibilities, and the qualifications, is a list so long and complex that it cannot be covered and supported within a one or two page letter.

My resume is jam-packed with information. Probably too much - and yet what to leave out? So in order to make it more readable, I like to write the cover letter as a way of making the resume accessible. Up until I saw this job posting, I had concentrated on a letter and resume designed for educational leadership. But this is a job in curriculum leadership. By the time I had added in the bits and pieces about that, my cover letter was 4 pages long. I have managed to edit it down to two complete pages, but will give it another go tomorrow in hopes of simplifying it and reducing it to a page and a half. And then, like it or not, I will have to submit it to make the deadline. So...wish me luck!

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