Friday, July 23, 2010

Taking the Trip to Emgland from the top

Dear Readers
Well, being somewhat on-line and photo challenged through out the trip, I have decided to share my post-trip journals with you. This requires taking it from the top and with apologies to those who have already read my three previous blogs. They will be expanded or repeated on subsequent notes. Still getting the hang of this, folks. I know, you'd think that after fooling about with this blog for the past 4 or 5 years I would be an expert. Alas, not so. What I am going to attempt to do is to post the notes for each day nor part thereof accompanied by the relevant photos - assuming that is possible and that I can figure out how to do it. Worse comes to worse, I will blog the notes, and post the albums on Facebook. Probably have to do that anyway as the notes show up there too, but I do not know whether the photos will accompany them. Okay. Here goes.

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