Yesterday there were tornado warnings not far from here, but we only got a bit of warm dry wind. Except for the dryness, it has been an amazing July. A few sweltering days and lots of smog because there is so much sun. But the temperature most days is just hot enough. Had to pull out a few tomato plants that have wilt (a root fungus) and may lose a couple more. Otherwise, the garden is yielding romaine, mesclun mix, radishes, green and yellow beans, and of course, rhubarb. I cut a big handful of coriander for a chicken salad, and the rest of the herbs look great. I have one green pepper almost ready, and the jalapeƱos are looking good too. No zucchini, cherry tomatoes or cucumbers yet, but they are coming along. The flower beds have made the transition from their spring pinks and mauves to summer red, yellow, orange and rust, with touches of white and purple. Every day when I need a break, or after dinner, I browse around taking the dead heads off the day lilies and nasturtiums. This weekend, I have to prune some shrubs in the front garden, and probably trim back the vines that are threatening to cover the windows.