I will be ready to go back to work in September after a 4 year absence. But what will I be doing? That remains a mystery. The agreement was that I would inform my employer when I was ready to return, and I would be placed in a suitable position. However, it appears that it is not that simple. There are complications that prevent them from including me on the staffing list just yet, and all of the positions for which I am qualified are being filled. By the time all of the red tape is cleared up, I am not sure what they will want me to do. I am keeping my ear to the ground, and am ready to take advantage of new opportunities should they arise. But if nothing materializes, lord knows what assignment I may face come fall.
I have not been able to post a blog for the past few days, but will try to do one daily from now on. I will also try to learn how to but links into the postings, that connect with relevant sites.